AdbA Art Deco Buenos Aires - ACAPA

1st Trinational Art Deco Corridor 2019







It´s presentation will be held from October the 10 to 12, 2019 in Santiago de Chile, from 14 to 18 within the framework of the ART DECO WEEK in Buenos Aires and 20 to 22 in Montevideo, Uruguay

The Art Deco Patrimony of the Southern Cone countries will be claimed an International meeting

AdbA Art Deco Buenos Aires Argentina, ACAPA Art Patrimony Action Civil Association (IGJ 8471) member of COPE by Resolution 22 UCPE of 07.18.2017. As a contribution to the promotion and dissemination of tangible and intangible hidden Art Deco heritage in Buenos Aires, and other cities all around the country and in South America, these associations propose the "Art Deco Week".

Designed with the intension to accompany the Mercosur Design month, the Buenos Aires Design Week and the Buenos Aires Biennale of Architecture and present the Trinational Corridor Project.
Becoming a cultural product, which will benefit not only the built and intangible art deco heritage, but the community as a whole; enjoying International Academic Conferences, Tours, Exhibitions, Awards, Galas and activities that enable the dissemination and promotion of all the modalities in which this interwar movement influenced: photography, painting, cinema, literature, industrial design, graphic design, gastronomy, mixology, fashion, jewelery, transport and others.
The theme of this first edition is focused on the SOUTH HERITAGE and will be the perfect environment to present this international scaled project: TRINATIONAL ART DECO CORRIDOR.

Which it aims to promote heritage conservation it relation to this style, to tribute the immigrants who built the wonderful architectural heritage of our cities, that will dominate the urban profile, from the fifth decade of the twentieth century, with its origins in the early Stijl and Bauhaus experiences in interwar Europe.

Meant also to provide local architects the recognition and appreciation that they deserve as regards the building environment that they created. In the case of Argentina, expression of a country that was fifth ranked in the world, we can name as exponents Salamone, Kalnay, Virasoro, Bustillo, Pagano, Bourdon, Sulcic, Amancio Williams and other valuable artists like Jose Fioravanti, Angel Furlotti, Alfredo Bigatti, Quinquela Martin and others. In Chile the Arch. Guillermo Schneider Vergara, Arch. Sergio Larrain Gracia Moreno, Jorge Arteaga and Arch. Ricardo Gonzalez Cortes, among its highlights. The architect in Uruguay Juan Antonio Scasso, Francisco Vazquez Echeveste, Archs. Jorge Herran and Luis Crespi, Gonzalo Vázquez Barrière y Rafael Ruano, A. Farina, Cayetano Carvallo, Filiberto designer, constructor Porro, among others.

In this International Conferences two important aspects will be treated: The first one, is the role and significance that this architectonic Heritage will have in the planning of Future Cities, creating the enabling environment for discussion and also the opportunity to lay the foundations for future trinational Biannual meetings with headquarters in Buenos Aires City. The second one, will be about  the idea of having Annual Meetings integrating the Capital with Buenos Aires Province, revealing, in this way, the identity of our native people by the architectural and intangible heritage and creating genuine tourism products. These ones, will attract a selected public of *Artdecofilos* Art Deco lovers of all around the world, collaborating with the promotion and development of the tourist industry as an economic strategic activity of the city.

Being the authorities of the Trinational Art Deco Corridor project AdbA - ACAPA, a nonprofit Civil Association that works in the defense, preservation, dissemination and enhancement of the architectural heritage in Argentina and neighboring countries, promoting the development of urban cultural proyects and having in its name declarations of historical monuments; in Argentina the CENTRAL MILITARY HOSPITAL COSME ARGERICH; in Chile working with the Suarez Mujica Association, the neighborhood of ÑUÑOA IN THE DECALARATION OF HISTORICAL MONUMENT IN THE CATEGORY OF TYPICAL AREA. Holder of the Project: "Urban Art Deco Archipelagos and Rationalism BA VIRTUAL GUIDE", which the Culture Ministry of the City, as an application organ of the Law N * 2.264 and the Council of Cultural Promotion of Buenos Aires City, according to Act N * 246 of June 19, 2017, has approved and included in the Regime of Cultural Promotion of Buenos Aires City because of being of cultural interest integrating it to the Buenos Aires Participative Strategic Plan 2035.

AdbA - Art Deco Buenos Aires - ACAPA account to carry out this project through Partnership Agreements, and has the support of the Municipality of Alberti, (head of Art Deco West Corridor), the municipalities of Balcarce, Chascomus, Guaminí, Saliquello, Pigüe, Laprida and Mendoza Capital, Maipú, San Juan, Puerto Madryn, Tucumán and sponsored by agencies and institutions such as Staff of the Army, the Joint Chiefs; Design Association of Latin America ALADI, with representation in more than twenty countries in South America, Salamone Cultural Center, Buenos Aires Historical Studies Board, DArA Decorators of Interior Designers Association, Commission of National Monuments, Interest Declaration of the Strategic Planning Council COPE. It also receives recognition and sponsorship of Argentine Consulates in New York, Miami and the Embassies of Uruguay, Peru, Israel, Chile, Italy, Romania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Egypt, Spain Cultural Center, Poland.

Its International presentation will be performed in October, for the first time in three countries, from 10 to 12 in Santiago, Chile, from 14 to 18 in Buenos Aires and 20 to 22 in Montevideo Uruguay -

In Buenos Aires it will be presented in the ART DECO WEEK. It will be host of the Academic International Conferences the Educational Center of the Joint Armed Forces, located in Av. Luis María Campos 480 - Buenos Aires Palermo, Buenos Aires CABA Art Deco Racionalist Archipelago.


Organizer International and Academic Committee AdbA 2019

Presides Arch. Adriana Piastrellini


Sergio Richonier, President of the Department of Architecture and Design of the Central Society of SCA   Architects
Silvina Vaccareza, President of Alberti Municipality Deliberative Council.
Dr. Marisa Prieto, Member AdbA Miami.
Arch. Esteban Collazo, Secretary of Public Works City of Alberti.
Gustavo R. Boschetti Lasso, Cultural Manager; Cultural Department AdbA.
Carlos Augusto Lemes, Cardoso member AdbA - Goiania Brazil - Art Deco Goiania Festival organizer 2018 - 2019
Arch. Eduardo Mazzeo, Member AdbA Uruguay.
Paolo Bergomi, president of the Design Association of Latin America - ALADI
Arch. Eugenio Rojas Ferrer, Santiago de Chile Academic Coordinator of the School of Architecture Central University of Chile.
Arch, Enrique Madia, Designated UNESCO / World Heritage SCA CPAU Heritage Subcommittee • DOCOMOMO / US Florida, President; Founder.
Hugo Pontoriero, Chief of the Department of Museology in the National Museum of Decorative Arts.

AdbA - ACAPA appreciates the cooperation of prestigious professionals and members:

Pedro Marabini Intangible President of Adba-ACAPA- Former Minister of Tourism and Culture Mendoza

Paolo Bergomi, President of ALADI, the Latin American Design Association.

Arch. Fernando Lorenzi acceding Member Adba

Arch. Alejandro Mareque, Legislature

Arch. Marta García Falco, Director of the Historical Archive of Architecture SAC (Central Society of Architects)

Dc. Maria Pia Perez Brea Cultural Department Adba - ACAPA
Lic. of Arts Rafael Aldatz Art Department Adba - ACAPA - Representative Chascomus
Nicolas Esteban Fullin Design Department Adba - ACAPA
Alejandra Uribio, Faculty of Arts, National University of Tucuman (Argentina).
From the city of Mendoza and the Cuyo region, Adba for several years accounts for the Congress with input and cooperation agreements with prestigious professionals such as architect Maria Cristina Monfort, lecturer and researcher at the Universidad Nacional de San Juan president of the Central Society of Architects San Juan, architect Patricia Panini President of the College of Architects of San Luis.; Arch Alicia Braverman, researcher and dean of the FAUD (Faculty of Architecture, Planning and Design) from the University of Mendoza; and Arch. Eliana Bormida, prestigious researcher and teacher of heritage at the same university. Enrique Testaseca Modern Art Museum Director. From Southern Argentinean Patagonia Arch. Romina Comerci Member of Puerto Madryn Architects College, Arch. Enrique Calvo Secretary of Public Works of the Municipality of Puerto Madryn.

 Special guests

• Jorge Giorno, Strategic Planing Council Sub-secretary of the Coordination Department. Public

Accountant and businessman. President of Businessmen and Professionals Argentine Forum for the XXI century. Vice-president and founder member of the Industry Camera, Californian-Argentine Service and Commerce and member of the International Society Strategic Council.

• Jorge Telerman, Argentine journalist, businessman and politician. Director of the Buenos Aires

Teatral Complex, 4th Buenos Aires City Government Chief from 2006 to 2007. Government Vice chief from 2003 to 2006. President of Buenos Aires City Legislature from 2003 to 2005. Buenos Aires City Culture Secretary between 2000 and 2003. Ambassador in Cuba in 1998. Director of the United States Organization of Public Information.

• Teresa Anchorena, Presiden of Historic Places and Sites, Monuments Nacional Comision. Ex

Culture Secretary.

• Arch. Alfredo Conti, Vice president of ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites - International Council on Monuments and Sites, based in Paris) for the Americas and Chairman of the Working Group of the ICOMOS World Heritage. He is a professor of the Bachelor of Tourism, Director of Tourism Research Institute at the University of La Plata and Academic Director of Graduate "Heritage and Sustainable Tourism" UNESCO Chair of Cultural Tourism.

• Arq. Juan Vacas,CEO of Heritage, Museums and Historic Center and CEO of Urban Regeneration. Operating Project Manager, Department Urban Regeneration. Member of the National Commission of Monuments, Sites and Historic Properties. CNM

• MSC. Gladys Collazo Usallán, President of the National Council of Cultural Heritage of Cuba. It is part of the Regional Chair of Sciences of the Integral Conservation of Cultural and Natural in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO). He is a member of ICOM (International Council of Museums) and ICOMOS (International Council on Monuments and Sites Historical).

• Arq. Esteve Pynes,Partner Bermello Ajamil & Partners, Inc Coconut Grove, Florida Partner / Senior Project Manager Miami / Fort Lauderdale Area, Oregon like University Architecture, Chairman of the Board Miami Design Preservation League.  He has served on the Board of Directors since 1998, the Executive Committee since 2001 and Chairman since 2014 the Miami Design Preservation League, an organization, nonprofit organization founded in Miami (Florida, USA) the oldest Society Art Deco World, with which Adba established an agreement Cooperaciónn International and joined the Art Deco Weekend in 2017.

• Arq. Eduardo Bekinchtein,president of the Central Society of Architects, SCA-holder BLB Architecture Studio Architects. He received awards in architectural competitions of the Central Society of Architects and a member of the Advisory and Juries College of Architecture SCA and Chairman of the Committee on Education and University of the Professional Council of Architecture and Urbanism (CPAU) Affairs.

• Frédéric Vacheron,Department of Peacekeeping Unesco. He led projects for Civic Education, Human Rights and Democratization in Cambodia, El Salvador, Mozambique and Western Sahara. He specializes Program Culture at the UNESCO Office for Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay.

• Carlos Galli, Architect Designer, Interior Decorators President DArA Argentinos Asociados.


Some references