CHASCOMÚS - Art Decó Day


Chascomus Program 2019

AdbA Presenting the First Southeast Art Deco Corridor Tour

South Heritage

Every Saturday up from 08 June 2019

Until quota is filled

Capacity: 15


Meeting points

1-Adolfo Alsina Lima


Meeting point

09:30 Departure from meeting point in CABA with AdbA Guide

11:20 Arrival Chascomus - Reception at Independence Plaza

11:30 Start of the walking tour

 Municipality of Chascomus: Access Hall - Neocolonial Work of Architect Salamone

 Deliberative Council Tour - Art Deco Furniture designed by Arch. Salamone

 Social Club: Architect and Sculptor Húngaro Andrés Kalnay.

 Domestic Architecture Art Deco works by other unknown authors

 Clock of the Italians of the constructor Telésforo Salaberry.

 Libertad Square - Monument to the Libres of the South

 Commercial Architecture Bakery ¨La Moderna¨

 Art Deco Works Tour - Domestic Architecture Kalnay Architect.

 School N* 1 – Example of the Educational Plan of the Province

13:00 - 14:30 Lunch

 Regatta Club - Kalnay Architectural Work

 Rambla - Work Eng. José María Bustillo


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